Thursday, August 18, 2011

Gratitude Challenge Day 7

"Take a picture of one thing, person, place or specific moment that makes you fell grateful. Share it"


This is one of my favorite pictures of Gary. Our Wedding, outside at Snowy Leavenworth, WA. I am so happy that I was lucky enough to stumble across this guy and that he was excited about me and loves me.

Gary and I have had so many adventures together, both good and bad. I love this guy and I feel fortunate to have him as part of my life. Sharing your life with someone you love makes everyday better.

1 comment:

  1. I am LOVING reading this. You are so darn inspiring, lady. REALLY. Sorry to be more of a lurker than an interacter with you, but I don't feel witty words spew forth when I read your posts, just quiet peace, gratitude for the example, and a little better for it. A little more hopeful to find such a good match and good peaceful life with someone one day. ( here, maybe not so much peace as ecstatic energetic joy, lol!) I know I haven't been there for your house parties (and have a big deal can't miss it conflict on your bday...CURSES!!) but I am so glad you both randomly came to that ONE event at my years before or after...and met each other. I vow to make a trip down there to have a celebratory bday hug & cancer free drink with you VERY SOON. I mean that. You two are always a quiet sweet inspiration to me. Valued. I don't say that enough and I'm sorry. xoxoxo
