Wednesday, September 15, 2010

I Don't Wanna

That's right. I don't want to go in Friday for my Day one of Cycle 3 Chemo. I want to go to the Puyallup fair with the kids. I want to take them to Seattle Pacific Science Center. I want to re-stain my deck and wash the dog and tend the garden and get a pedicure.

Why is this one so hard? Why am a dreading it more than the others? I don't know that answer...but I know that I don't wanna.

I just remember what my mom told me when I was little and had to go to the dentist for fillings. "We all have to do things we don't like, but we have to do them anyway". You're still right mom. I will suck it up.

Maybe I will rent some movies from block busters to watch while I am there. I don't do that very often. That would at least give me something to that I will look forward to.