Sunday, August 15, 2010

Leave my cart alone!

Dexamethasone makes me a bitch. It is a steroid and I know what roid rage is now. I knew from my chemo last year that this pill would make me "not nice". And last time I was really "not nice" a lot. But this time around I am able to control it a bit better (for the most part) when it comes to my family....but today at Walmart (yes, I fit in perfectly there today with my white trash rage) I was shopping for plants. I had a bunch of plants in my cart, left it at the end of an aisle and started down to look at another beautiful plant (I was Zen at that moment) And then.... a woman came up to my cart and started one of my plants out.

"Excuse me but that is my cart and my plant, please put it back, NOW"

The startled lady "I was just trying to see how much it was" as she sets in back into my cart from hers. LOL

"It is $5.50 please leave it in my cart, they are at the end of that aisle there. I don't like people taking things out of my cart"

I could have been so much nicer about it....BUT It felt GREAT to yell at someone. It was bottled up inside and had to escape. Poor lady. Bet she thinks twice about messing with someones cart of stuff again.

Poor lady at Walmart. Didn't know what was coming her way when she tried to take my plant out of my cart.

There is my confession. Forgive me for my sins and my bitchiness.

1 comment:

  1. Serves her right! It's probably not the first time she's taken something out of someone else's cart. And then she had the nerve to lie about just trying to see how much it was? Good grief - how ridiculously rude!
