Thursday, August 11, 2011

Day 2 Gratitude Challenge - A to Z of Gratitude

Day 2 - A to Z of Gratitude

Art- Art museums, my kids fridge art, music, the ballet. Art is awesome

Books- want to know about something, it is easy, read. I have books on tons of different things…too many books that now I try to just check them out from the library.

Coconuts. Coconut milk, coconut sorbet, coconut meat, coconut martinis, coconut candles and lotion….I love me some coconut.

Dogs, a (wo)mans best friend. River (my dog) is always happy to see me. He is thankful for everything, loves everyone, living in the moment at all times. I can learn much from him.

Emergency services and all those that chose to help others as a profession. Firemen, Policemen, Lifeguards, EMT’s, and ER doctors, etc…

Friends, they make everything a little better, a little funnier, a bit more meaningful. I have a couple great ones in my life.

Gardening. It gets me back to the earth. Digging in the soil, cultivating, and I always have something to show for it, a weed free bed, a flower patch, or fresh vegetables ready to be harvested. It is also a good form of mediation for me..

Hawaii- How could I not feel grateful that such a place exists and I don’t need a passport to go there. Photobucket

Ice skating at Seattle Center every winter. I love that family tradition.

Jonah- he is the best little guy. I feel lucky to have him.



Library- where else can you borrow a book and the fifth season of Weeds. I can request what I want online and the library sends me an email when it is ready to be picked up. Thank you King County Library!

Marriage. I love coming home to my husband. I love having someone to share my life and my experiences with. Gary is a great husband for me!

New Stuff. Trying it. Being a little frightened at first about making a fool out of myself or not being able to do it at all….and feeling so awesome that I took a chance and had an experience

Ocean, the sea, the salt water, the surf, the smell of the air, the amazing creatures that live there. Where would we be without the ocean.

Parents- I have the best. I didn’t realize how great they were until I grew up and heard stories of others upbringing.

Quilts, or any snuggly blanket really. I get cold and I like the read or watch a movie under a nice warm blanket.

Romance. Not the trashy novel, but real life romance.

Siblings- What would I have done without my sisters growing up.

Tulip festival, it is a tradition for Gary and I, I love it and look forward to it every year.

Uncles and Aunts – and extended family in general. You may not see them very often, but you know they are always there if you need them.

Vacations! Showing the kids there is something besides Disneyland and video games.

Work. I like my work and I feel very fortunate to work with the people I do, doing what I love. Really who doesn’t like a great smile!

Xrays- they have saved my life more than once…

Yoga- it makes me feel better, it is exercise for my body and calms my spirit. I don’t practice nearly as often as I would like, but when I do, my world is better.

Zoo- One of my favorite places.

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